Jane is ALWAYS singing this song :)
Peter + Ami + Jane
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Second Time's A Charm?
I'm not going to pretend I'm going to be great at this blog. But I am going to try so that those of you that don't live close to us can see Janie a little more often :)
I'll start off by saying that for Halloween, Jane was Princess Tiana from Princess and the Frog. She told everyone she was "a Princess of Maldonia", even though most people don't know what that means.
She had a BLAST going trunk-or-treating at mom and dad's ward. As soon as she realized they would give her candy for saying "Trick-or-treat", I couldn't keep up with her running from car to car! Most people would say she looked so cute, then give her an extra handful of candy :)
We also took her trick-or-treating to a few houses just for her to try and she LOVED that as well. She and Olivia would knock on the door, say trick-or-treat, then try to go inside of each person's house. I'm not sure whether they were looking for something or if they were just cold, but it was hilarious seeing people's faces when these tiny girls ran in the house! It was a lot of fun and she still talks about Halloween all the time.
A couple weeks ago, Jane figured out how to climb out of her crib. I put her down for a nap one day and then about 20 minutes later, she just comes waltzing out and goes, "Hi mom!" After a few days of that (and a few middle of the night thuds), we decided to turn her bed into a toddler bed.
For some reason, that has made her not sleep as well at night. She often doesn't make a peep when she wakes up during the night, but then comes into our room and gets really close to my face and whispers "Hi, mom" (several times a night). A couple of nights ago, I woke up at 2:30 to find that Jane had climbed in bed with us, snuggled under my covers, and was just playing games on my phone, oblivious to the fact that it was the middle of the night :) Hopefully, she starts sleeping again soon!
We're trying to be really consistent about having family prayer with Jane, but at night when she's tired it is especially challenging. The attached picture was her idea of being reverent and good to say the prayer that night :)
That ought to be good for now. Wish me luck that this isn't my only post for the next year and a half! :)
I'll start off by saying that for Halloween, Jane was Princess Tiana from Princess and the Frog. She told everyone she was "a Princess of Maldonia", even though most people don't know what that means.

A couple weeks ago, Jane figured out how to climb out of her crib. I put her down for a nap one day and then about 20 minutes later, she just comes waltzing out and goes, "Hi mom!" After a few days of that (and a few middle of the night thuds), we decided to turn her bed into a toddler bed.
We're trying to be really consistent about having family prayer with Jane, but at night when she's tired it is especially challenging. The attached picture was her idea of being reverent and good to say the prayer that night :)
That ought to be good for now. Wish me luck that this isn't my only post for the next year and a half! :)
Monday, April 5, 2010
What better time to blog then after an accidental 5-month break? :) I feel like this blog is mostly just about Jane and how she's growing and doing new things, and then when I think about it, my life is almost all about Jane too, so I guess it makes sense. Most recently, Jane has developed a little sassy streak. She's too smart for her own good and when she can't let us know what she wants or we do something she doesn't like, she gets really pouty and breathing in and out really fast. I know I shouldn't, but I can't help but laugh every time! Another new trick she found is when someone is trying to pick her up and she doesn't want to be held, she goes completely stiff except for her arms, which go limp as noodles, and she almost gets dropped. How does she figure these things out?!?!

Also, EASTER!! Jane was adorable! We filled plastic eggs with snacks that didn't have TOO much sugar and hid them around the house. She opened the first one and was VERY pleasantly surprised to find goldfish crackers! She ate them, then crawled as fast as she could to the next egg to get more. She was just as excited for every egg as she was the first!
We had such a great weekend watching conference and spending lots of time with family. My brother Kyle and his wife came into town, and here's the moms with the cute babies:
It was so fun to see everyone and to just have a lazy weekend, full of general conference. Lauren and Olivia also came to visit us for a little while this week and Jane ADORES Olivia. She kind of attacks her with love whenever she sees her. Here they are in their matching PJs:
Compared to Olivia, Jane looks pretty big. But apparently compared to other babies her age, she's really little. She's pretty average for height and head circumference, but she is only in the eighth percentile for weight. Eighth! She is our little bird baby :) No wonder she won't walk more than a few steps--her head is too heavy for that skinny body! She's getting really close, though, and I'm pretty sure one of these days she's just going to take off running! :)
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Happy Halloween!
Our Halloween was a FULL day of craziness and fun! In the morning, we went to a family party at Christy's house to have pumpkin chocolate chip pancakes, decorate cookies, let the kids see each other in their costumes, and have fun! We were supposed to leave by 8:15 to pick up Janelle and Alyssa before we left and in true Ami fashion, that is exactly when I woke up :) We jumped in the car and rushed to get there, and I only realized I forgot Jane's costume when we got there. Luckily, Megan's butterfly costume saved the day! I'm almost glad we forgot her costume because now we have really cute pictures in two different ones! Thanks Christy, Brian, and Megan! :)

Jane is such a trooper! After getting home from Salt Lake, Jane and I headed to our primary Halloween party to see our class's costumes, followed by a long nap :) When she woke up, we headed to my parents trunk-or-treat, but by the time we made it, most people had already gone. She gave Landon bunches of kisses, and we stopped by Gi-gi's house. Jane can't ever get enough of Landon! He is one of her favorite friends and at Christy's, trunk-or-treat, and Gi-gi's, she grabbed his face and kissed him over and over:

Have you ever seen a baby giraffe sucking a soother? :)
Our last stop before heading home was at Barbara's house to see Addie's costume and so they could see Jane. What a couple of cuties!

While we were at Barbara's, I was trying to get Addie to smile for our pictures by fake sneezing. Jane was pretty slap-happy from being so tired, and while Addie didn't think I was funny, Jane was giggling harder than we have ever heard her laugh before!
What a perfect end to Halloween!
Jane is such a trooper! After getting home from Salt Lake, Jane and I headed to our primary Halloween party to see our class's costumes, followed by a long nap :) When she woke up, we headed to my parents trunk-or-treat, but by the time we made it, most people had already gone. She gave Landon bunches of kisses, and we stopped by Gi-gi's house. Jane can't ever get enough of Landon! He is one of her favorite friends and at Christy's, trunk-or-treat, and Gi-gi's, she grabbed his face and kissed him over and over:
While we were at Barbara's, I was trying to get Addie to smile for our pictures by fake sneezing. Jane was pretty slap-happy from being so tired, and while Addie didn't think I was funny, Jane was giggling harder than we have ever heard her laugh before!
What a perfect end to Halloween!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Can't Get Enough of Our Baby
Here's just a bunch of what we've been up to lately:

Jane taking her first morning nap when we woke up freezing cold and realized we hadn't turned the heater on the night before. It was 64 degrees! Brrrr!

A little bit of this, a little bit of that...
Jane taking a bath in the kitchen sink :)

Phew! That was a lot! If you made it to the end, congratulations! :)
A little bit of this, a little bit of that...
Jane taking a bath in the kitchen sink :)
Phew! That was a lot! If you made it to the end, congratulations! :)
Janey had a Little Lamb...
Another really funny thing she does is cry when she gets really happy. Last Saturday, Peter and I went on a date while my mom watched Jane. When we got back and Jane saw us, she got really happy and was flapping her arms and kicking her legs, the she just started bawling! It was so cute! And she did the same thing today when Peter came home from work. I try to hold her by the window or take her out on the front porch whenever he comes home and today he pulled in the driveway and rolled down the window and started yelling her name. When she realized it was him, she started crying because she was so excited to see him!
She loves the stuffed lamb Aunt Loran gave to her more than any of her other toys! She has pretty much the same reaction I was just describing above, except she doesn't cry, she grabs the lamb and kisses, eats, squeezes, licks, cuddles, and plays with it like crazy! We hide it from her, then bring it out slowly and as soon as she sees it, she starts going nuts! (We sing "Janey Had a Little Lamb" to her all the time now :) Thanks, Aunt Loran! I'm sure it will be her favorite stuffed animal forever!

Jane loves eating solid foods and is so so good about eating her baby food. She likes trying new things and has liked almost everything we've given her, except peas. She HATES peas. After I sneak one or two bites in, she catches on and simply refuses to open her mouth. What a smart little bug! This is one of her first experiences with fruits and veggies. She gobbled up the carrots and as soon as I switched to pears, she started pulling these faces. The very last one is my favorite!
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