Our Halloween was a FULL day of craziness and fun! In the morning, we went to a family party at Christy's house to have pumpkin chocolate chip pancakes, decorate cookies, let the kids see each other in their costumes, and have fun! We were supposed to leave by 8:15 to pick up Janelle and Alyssa before we left and in true Ami fashion, that is exactly when I woke up :) We jumped in the car and rushed to get there, and I only realized I forgot Jane's costume when we got there. Luckily, Megan's butterfly costume saved the day! I'm almost glad we forgot her costume because now we have really cute pictures in two different ones! Thanks Christy, Brian, and Megan! :)

The whole bunch

What a smiley butterfly!!
Jane is such a trooper! After getting home from Salt Lake, Jane and I headed to our primary Halloween party to see our class's costumes, followed by a long nap :) When she woke up, we headed to my parents trunk-or-treat, but by the time we made it, most people had already gone. She gave Landon bunches of kisses, and we stopped by Gi-gi's house. Jane can't ever get enough of Landon! He is one of her favorite friends and at Christy's, trunk-or-treat, and Gi-gi's, she grabbed his face and kissed him over and over:

Have you ever seen a baby giraffe sucking a soother? :)

Our last stop before heading home was at Barbara's house to see Addie's costume and so they could see Jane. What a couple of cuties!

While we were at Barbara's, I was trying to get Addie to smile for our pictures by fake sneezing. Jane was pretty slap-happy from being so tired, and while Addie didn't think I was funny, Jane was giggling harder than we have ever heard her laugh before!
fun!!!!!!!!!! esp the laughing vid!
Cutest giraffe ever! I love it! You are one lucky Mommy and she is one lucky girl. :) Love you!
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