Jane is getting so big! It seems like she grows more everyday. She is getting on a better schedule and even lets us sleep at night sometimes! On Friday night, she fell asleep at 12:30, woke up once to eat at 4:30, then slept until 9:30! It was the best night of sleep I've gotten in a long time! She's also a lot better at
Jane is so perfect! She almost never cries! The only times when she does are if she sleeps too long and wakes up only to realize she's STARVING or when she has really bad gas that hurts her tummy. Even when she does cry, she's SOOO easily consoled. Usually all it takes is picking her up and letting her hear mommy or daddy's voice and she calms right down.
And what a social little girl! When she is around a group of people, like when we're visiting family, she knows it and works as hard as she can to stay awake so she doesn't miss a thing. Those are some of our favorite times because she looks so peaceful and gives us lots of drunken smiles :) She LOVES to be held, not just by mommy and daddy, but by anyone. She is staying awake more and more during the day and has big, dark blue eyes. Peter says her eyes are so dark that he likes to hold her close and can see his reflection in her eyes. She's getting stronger and stronger all the time. She loves trying to hold her head up and works at doing it for longer and longer periods of time (since she first held her head up on her own the day she was born :). This is of course only when she's wide awake, because when she gets sleepy, she is super cuddly. She has found that she loves being on her tummy with her head on your shoulder, especially if you pat her back. Even if her eyes are wide open, she'll lay on your shoulder like that forever :)
We love her more than we could have ever imagined possible! What a perfect little baby! We know that we are so blessed to have her in our lives, home, and family.
This is also one of the best ways we could think of to share pictures of Jane, so here are a few of our favorites. Enjoy!
Jane meeting Gi-gi for the very first time. Gi-gi was so cute! She just laughed so hard every time she looked down at Jane, then she would look up and ask us a question, then look back at Jane and keep laughing! It was very cute.
Jane going on her very first stroller ride. As you can see,
she was not about to sleep through any part of it :)
"I'm not listening!!" She fell asleep like this on the couch :)
Our little family the day of Jane's blessing (April 19th)
Sitting with cousin Megan

she was not about to sleep through any part of it :)
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